General description:
Chemical Formula: H2O2
Hydrogen peroxide(h2o2) is the basic type of peroxide available [oxygen-oxygen single bond]. It is a colorless, clear, and non-flammable chemical. Pure hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid & has a bitter taste, and it is a crystalline solid below 12°F.
Hydrogen peroxide is mainly used as an aqueous solution, and it is also available in a diluted form (3% to 10%) for household use. Hydrogen peroxide use in industry as a concentrated form (greater than 30%). Hydrogen peroxide is much more affected as a bleaching agent and a disinfectant.
Concentrated hydrogen peroxide is used as a propellant in a rocket due to its reactive property. Hydrogen peroxide is inflammable but also a powerful oxidizing agent that can cause a fire instantly when organic material comes in contact. Hydrogen peroxide doesn’t have any smell, and it is not absorbed by the skin but can cause poisoning when ingested or inhaled. It is water with one more oxygen atom and acidic in nature. It has 4.5 pH levels and a 100% decay compound.
Application & Usage:
Need Hydrogen Peroxide?
Signify Chemical is one of the major exporters of hydrogen peroxide. PCIPL specializes in providing customized orders at outstanding prices and value propositions. We believe in offering maximum price benefits to our client, and therefore, our hydrogen peroxide price is highly competitive and strategically devised. We are capable of supplying top-rated chemical blends for the entire globe. Our team of experts is highly professional and has immense knowledge in the chemical sector.